Beyond the Stage Episode 5 – Professional Music Educator Sean Marquis

At the Colorado Bandmaster’s Conference on July 16, 2021 Drew had the pleasure to sit down with Professional Music Educator Sean Marquis. Sean teaches band at Frontier Academy in Greeley, Colorado. This conversation occurred in the cafeteria of Lakewood High School during the lunch break while we were demonstrating the livestreaming rig at our booth.
We explored many topics relating to the challenges not only music educators but educators in general are facing with the state of the world as we prepare for the new school year. We discussed the lack of answers we had (and still have) for dealing with a global crisis, the technological inequality facing some student demographics, what together means, and how music education impacts us and teaches us to be human.Anyone who is in or is touched by the education field should listen to this episode.
Connect with Sean Marquis
Hosted by: Drew Holmes
Music by: Peter Knudson
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Just a few of the careers in music, many of which do not involve performing!
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If you have ideas for future episodes or work in a non-performing role in the music industry and would like to tell your story, please contact Drew.
Thank you for listening as we explore careers in music Beyond the Stage.