Big News from Coors Field! It’s Your Weekend Update

Drew heard back from Kimberly Olson, Assistant to Rockies Team President Greg Feasel! You will not believe what she had to say.
In this Weekend Update:
Do you judge marching band? Are you tired of fumbling your smartphone while trying to hold it your face while adjudicating? Do you wish there was a better way to interact with Competition Suite? Now there is! In this video Ward and Drew show some option for microphones, connectors, wireless systems, and device holders that paired with your smartphone or tablet will allow you to do what you do easier. Sound complicated? It is not. Watch the video to see what you have been missing!
Livestreaming/recording at a conference? No problem! We made a quick video at the CBA conference showing a new rig we devised specifically for marching band judges. It was a spur of the moment “live on tape” video using OBS. But how did we set the cameras, what did we use gear-wise, and what was our overall concept? Drew explains it all in this “Blair Witch” style video!
Welcome to our newest Boomerite, Michael Mawle! Michael recently graduated from Bowling Green State University with his Master’s Degree in Violin Performance. He is originally from Fort Collins and studied violin at UNC. He has been playing violin since he was 3 years old and even purchased his first violins from Boomer Music. Welcome to the family!
Excerpted from “The Time I Accidentally Joined a Wind Ensemble” on The Podcasting Store’s Medium page
“…Years ago in college, one of my music professors started a wind ensemble. I did not have room in my schedule for additional credit hours, so I knew that this was not a group I was going to join. Besides, I was an orchestral trumpet player now. Band was what I did in high school. I was practicing at the music building one night shortly after I had made this decision.
I was just leaving the practice room when I ran into the professor on my way out.
“You’re here!” she said. “Quick, grab some stands and bring them over to the other building!”
I had lost track of time and had inadvertently been at the music building at the exact moment she was setting up for rehearsal. At that point there was no way to bow out gracefully, so I attended that first rehearsal…”