Weekend Update 02-14-21 – Happy Valentine’s Day!

Last Week: We released some great video content. On the Boomer YouTube Channel is The History of Swing session we sponsored at CMEA 2021. And on The Podcasting Store’s channel is some tips on how to have better sound and video on your remote meetings.
We also have information for the KHS band tryout kits, which are in stock and available at special educator pricing. And the Instrument Drive is back! Bringing Music To Life takes your gently used instrument, has it repaired, and donates it to school music programs right here in Colorado. If you have an instrument gathering dust bring it in and help a kid to love music.
this Week: Thursday Ward has a video showing a headset that will incorporate a lavalier microphone! If you’re using a wireless system in your classroom teaching, are a marching band judge, or anything else we haven’t thought of, this is a must see for a really cool piece of gear.
PLUS! We’re still giving away a R0DE Wireless GO! Details of how you can enter to win are in the video.
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